In January this year, we launched the ambitious Grow Amma UK fundraising initiative, with a target being set to raise £1,000,000 over the next 2 years.
Amma is actively encouraging us to build the Centre and to expand its reach across the UK. Our aim is to increase our financial resources for Amma’s return to the UK and to fund several projects connected to the MA Centre in Bromley, where a newly purchased house is being refurbished for the growing residential and visiting community, as well as a new kitchen/cafe.
An underpinning theme is one of GIVING. Amma gives to her children spiritually, practically and materially and this is our opportunity as devotees to give something back and to ensure Amma’s Embrace and support is offered to as many people in the UK as possible. We can certainly make that happen with the right attitude and intention. In doing so we can reciprocate the gifts Amma showers on us all.
“The more you give,
the more your heart is filled.
Love is a never-ending stream”
~ Amma
We understand people give in so many different ways to Amma, be it time, money or organising projects and activities. We are looking for small regular monthly donations to help with the financial planning for our Grow Amma UK projects.
So far we have run a telephone campaign by initially calling our programme co-ordinators and inspired people to donate at MA Centre events. Satsang groups have organised Kirtan sessions and a Well-Being day is planned for mid-May, as well as card-making and cooking workshops being considered. So we are well and truly up and running.
In our first month, we have already had commitments from donations and pledges totalling £5,000 per year. It may not seem a lot with regards to our target, but small pebbles dropped in water ripple the surface outwardly on the entire pond.
If you would like to support our Grow Amma UK campaign by starting a monthly donation please set up a standing order for MA Centre with the following bank details.
Very important — please include the reference ‘Grow Amma UK’.
Sort code 08–92–99
Acct no 65389216
We look forward to talking with you soon, hearing about your love for Amma and helping to manifest Her realisation of Growing Amma UK and beyond.
Our sincere thanks in anticipation of your generosity and support.
The Fundraising Team.